Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Fancy Town

I'm writing a quick note to you while I have one NY minute. Cynthia, my hostess, is at exercise while I have a leisurely breakfast and shower before we go out again to more fun that is humanly possible.
I went to the Mecca of Fancy Ladies yesterday Bergdorff's and shopped (spent a million window shopping dollars) then had a light lunch. We went to a giant Apple Store and I lusted after the iPad, but resisted as I have a lot of Cashmere to buy.

Today we are heading to a museum and light lunch then a lecture about "The Power of Now".

Tomorrow is a travel day and I'm heading back to Westport for the night and then my good friend Lynn is going to take me to Sticks and Strings in Scarsdale.

All to soon this magical two weeks will end but I'm really soaking up every moment and at some point you can "put your penny in" (Mother use to say this "She put the penny in and the stories came out," great now I'm an arcade game) and I will be telling stories of this magical trip. Everyone at Westport Yarns has been in touch. Lynn said her sides hurt for a good day after our party on Saturday night!

I've been overwhelmed by the good cheer and interest in who I am and what I do. Not as a creature under a rock interest but something so interesting that they can't find the magnifying glass fast enough!

I'll be back in Los Angeles on the 12th and heading to Knit Culture on Oct. 15th but if you are around Scarsdale NY head to Sticks and Strings and come see me! TTFN Fancy Lady wanna be Trish

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