Why Tanglewood? Fiber Creations
When I was young I played the Bassoon and was in love with all things classical music. Most of my friends went off for the summer to Tanglewood Music camp and came back playing so much more proficiently. They regaled me with tales of all the fun at "Band Camp" and wasn't it all so great and wonderful (which would send me into lustful fits, "yeah, yeah, fun, wonderful sounds great" I'd reply). I would practice all summer pretending that I was at Tanglewood, I'd go for walks down into a canyon and sit under the only pine tree in the area (Southern California doesn't have a lot of pine trees) and pretend I was at Tanglewood looking out over the water.....you get the picture. For monetary reasons I was never able to attend Tanglewood, and even though I was born in Boston MA. I've never even attended Tanglewood Music Festival, not yet anyway.
One day I'll go, but today I'm off to Los Angeles......maybe I'll pretend I'm going to Band Camp, I'll pretend my computer case is my Bassoon! I listen to my I-Pod while knitting on a pair of fingerless mittens in Camel/Silk, yeah!
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