Saturday, July 12, 2008

More drama

I'm finally in my room at the Monarch Hotel as a "distressed (and some what battered after packing like mad women, driving back into Portland only to learn my flight was delayed almost two hours then decided to take the Max, then my computer said that my flight was in 93 mins when Ben told me it was 5 mins too late to check my bag. I showed him my computer message and that's how I ended up here at the motel two hours later) passenger" (sweaty, grimy, somewhat bad tempered and sad, I needed a hair cut two weeks ago now I'll miss the appointment). It's 11:30 pm and I have a wake up call at 4:15 am. I'm going to the bar for a quick drink. The delayed flight was moved up 10 mins. so I was 5 mins. late to check my bags for the prescribed 40 mins. early for my flight. They arranged for me to sleep at a motel, but it took 2 hours for the shuttle to pick me up. Yikes. I look forward to being in LA tomorrow. I have finished the neck candy in the new red color-way but my camera is in my spinning wheel bag ready for the fun of dye day which I never got to.......deep sigh and I'm hitting the bottle.
Grateful list.
I have lovely children
I have wonderful friends
I have a loving husband
I have enough money to make this unexpected trip to LA
I will be staying with my husband in our house with a cool room.
Erica is at the house with a game plan and lots of dye and fiber ready to fill in for me
Courtney and Kevin are coming over tomorrow to continue the clean out for the new Dye Lab.
I have family that loves me
I have enough money for a large drink of Glen
I have a beautiful colon
I have hair
I have lots of lovely yarn to knit with and fiber to spin on
I have a bed tonight
I'm going now


monkeyspinner said...

Aww Trish. At least you have the money for a glass of glen. And yarn to knit. Getting to Peru was kind of like that but your becoming quite the expert at traveling :P you should write a book my fiber travels

Romi said...

Dude. Sending good thoughts your way!