Saturday, March 01, 2008

Plans like weather change

Thursday the glorious weather let us dream of gentle spring days, yesterday and today we are having the cool spring showers that will bring March/April flowers. The large puffy clouds gave way to dark hail baring gloom. The temperature had dropped but not to freezing.
Audrey came over yesterday and we did important Tanglewood Fiber Creation stuff. We got 10 boxes of fiber ready to send out. While that doesn't seem like much (each box contains at least a pound or more of lovely fiber), it took two of us 5 hours to accomplish. Afterwards we had a lovely dinner with Al (Audrey's husband) and Greg (Audrey's adult son), of roast chicken, that both Audrey and I tended ("Audrey what is that burning I smell?" "I'll go check"). The house smelled wonderful (before and after we got the smoking oven sorted) as we weighed out fiber, made boxes, wrote checks, checked in yarn, unpacked suitcases and general fun stuff. I spent a short amount of time in the office which is lovely since Steven has had his way with it.
Bob's Red Mill Scottish Oatmeal is just the best of all stuff to start a day of hard work. It is our new food passion, if you are lucky enough to live in Oregon, it is available in our local Fred Meyers, if not try googling Bob's Red Mill. I'm sure he'll send you some.
I did beaded yarn last night for Knitterly, and have continued today, something I can do while feeling miserable. I have a feeling that Barbara is going to be very happy with this yarn, and lots more people in Petaluma are going to be sporting Cashmere/Silk beaded Neck Candy.
Yes I admit it I feel bad. I'm staying home (ok a short trip to the Post Office with 10 boxes) and just chilling, and sweating and chilling, and coughing and dripping (nose), and coughing. My energy level is very low, perfect for watching TV and beading yarn. Courtney is coming tomorrow to skein yarn and I have 50 for her to do. Becky is also fighting the crud and plying while watching TV.
I went to Guild meeting on Thursday and enjoyed a program (Thanks Cynthia!) about silk growers/weavers in Thailand. I was lucky enough to purchase fabric, woven by this village, heaven. I also picked up lots of plying work and several cubbies have yarn to send off. If you don' attend a Guild (knitting/spinning/etc.) you're missing out. I love the Aurora Guild, meeting with other spinners, seeing what others get up to with fiber and sharing a common bond reenergizes and inspires me. Of course getting home after mid-night leaves me exhausted the next day.
Off to make more yarn! Spinners start watching for boxes!

1 comment:

Denise said...

We started with Bob's Scottish Oatmeal (and loved it) but it turns out it was a gateway cereal for our new passion: Bob's Steel Cut Oats.


There's no going back to rolled oats now. ever.