Sunday, January 06, 2008

On my way

Frantic, manic, no sleep, some food, spinning,
( beads here for beaded yarn) plying,

here is the beaded yarn plied

skeining, labeling, upstairs, downstairs, where is _______,?? can you do_________?. this is the only conversation that Becky and I have had for the last two days. Mike points out that Becky shouldn't even have an apartment as she is spending too many nights at TFC headquarters. I know I feel like we have enough yarn to show yarn shops what kind of yarn we make. One frantic call to Shelli, and the yarn there is no way to make is coming from the shop.
Talked to Sheila (she is not nearly as frantic as I was), she soon had me calmed down, for awhile, then after plying 4 bobbins of beaded yarn I began to have chest pains and couldn't breath, panic attack! If I didn't know I'd have been more freaked. Becky started skiening the yarn we made yesterday at 9:00 pm.
and finished the dry yarn at 2:00 am, I worked a little longer and finally went to bed at 4:00 am. Last night it snowed and this morning it had all gone.
Then it was a quick, quick trip to the airport only to find every college student and visiting child is flying home today. My patience is used up. Now the frantic race to get here is at a stall as the plane has mechanical difficulties, will I get to LA tonight??? I have taken a pill and now begin to not care. I don't even have a knitting project with me. I don't care about yarn anymore today. I haven't taken a pill to fly in a long time, I took one while I was waiting. Now we are getting a new plane! Scary right, I have one more pill and then I really won't care.....
I wrote a note to the people that will search my bags asking them not to paw through the bags and mess up the carefully placed labeled yarn. This is the "small" amount for yarn still to be spun, Alexandra has volunteered and loading me her plier to help me out.

We are now being asked to change gates and the arrival time is over an hour late.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uglick I hate flying they always loose something and "recheck me". Good luck getting here the weather is crummy. I got your comment thanks so much, but you sound really busy all that still to do? :) It will be ok, you'll see that you brought everything you needed. Take deep caliming breaths and limit the tea.