Monday, October 15, 2007

The good and the bad

Last week was a really good/bad week.
On the Tanglewood Fiber Creations side of life it was great! On the personal and little dodgy. I still run a fever now and then and am still coughing. I managed to ship yarn out twice last week to String, Wild Fiber, Mel Clark -as you know, A Close Knit and Hill Country Weavers. I skeined over 100 skeins on Friday!
Anna's Charlie turned one years old on Tuesday Oct. 9th. My Mum and Dad's 55th Wedding Anniversary was Monday, Wed. I delivered yarn to A Close Knit
and went to Charlie's Birthday "party" at Don and Emma's

Emma the hostess with Henley Hornbrook

This is Henley Hornbrook's picture

Charlie listening to his Great Grannie in Little Falls Minnesota

Charlie's present, he liked the taste of the wrapping paper more than the cake!

unfortunately, I suffered for it and coughed into the wee hours of the morning and spent Thursday too ill to do anything. Friday I skeined over 100 skeins, and my FIL in Tucson AZ. passed away, my SIL's along with some of his estranged family members at his side (now all the work is done, bitter? you bet). I didn't fly down because of the nagging cough and fever.

This is Mark! whom helps me at our little post office. He took 13 packages from me on Tuesday and it was $236.00, mostly shipping Mel's order to Auckland NZ., 24 pounds of yarn. There is also a picture of Terry, a personal friend as well as a super mail office person, I was too much of a chicken to take a picture of the 12 people in line waiting (behind the mountain of boxes that I brought) for service, I apologized lots, no one but Mark said "don't worry about it, your a good customer!". On Saturday I went back with only three boxes of 8 pounds each.


Becky (my bio-child) is moving home to Oregon!

She is currently at Farmer John (famous Bacon and the maker of Dodger Dogs) as a Research and Development Meat Scientist, but will be a Quality Control Manager at Bay Valley Foods (they make pickles!) here in Portland. She will also be heavily involved with Tanglewood Fiber Creations and I'm really looking forward to her help. I will be going down to Los Angeles to help with the re-location, some time at the end of this month.

Bio Son, Steven is coming up (bringing the truck up with a first load of Becky's things and to take the trailer down for more) some time this week for the first time since 2004, when he came the two days of his sister's college graduation. I'm looking forward to helping/joining him to celebrate not only his B'Day (24th) on the 26th but Don's B'Day on the 24th (25th). I'm not sure if I'll be going to the all day Spin-In at Aurora Colony Handspinners Workshop's Oct. 27th, but if we've had a late night in Portland the night before.....
Josi came today (GOD BLESS THIS WOMAN) and together (yes it took two of us) we tackled ("oh my Trish" squeal "what is this Trish" "oh gag Tttrrrrissshhh" yeah, remember when she said my house wasn't sooo bad? ), the refrigerator.

On Saturday after mailing off the 3 huge boxes of yarn I went for a quiet lunch ( you might wonder if I'm sick why venture out? think about this, Josi, fridge... it was just too depressing), and then stopped by Knitting Bee just to try and be in the company of humans and quietly knit Charlie's hat (yes his B'day has come and gone!). I met up with Nancy Hinsch, a long time friend. I haven't had enough time to chat with her since sitting together at the Antique Spinning Wheel Showcase back in March. Even though we had chatted, it was in-between telling people about our wheels. She invited me to her house for tea

She served Bonnie's (Tea Time Gardens) tea, first the Coconut ummm, I jokingly said we ought to put rum in it and low and behold this tea is even more wonderful with rum in it. The next pot was Ginger/Peach Tea, Nancy looked but there was no peach schnaps (I can hear my Mum say "good thing too"). Here she is with her two needles gloves fingers!

These are the gloves when she cut them apart
I'm hoping to resurrect my gloves and do this techque, tomorrow? I'm not sure I can take that much time off with my trip to Knitterly (Petaluma rocks!) looming on Thursday, I still have lots of yarn ("Trish, the 6 skeins of beaded yarn won't be enough please double the order!") to make for this event, beaded yarn.
While skeining Wed. I happened to look out the window and just caught sight of the elk herd on their migratory path through our pasture. Wow! Beth says that Elk are a sign to get balance in our work and personal (personal life, other than spinning? Is there such a thing?) life. I did leave Don and Emma's house early on Wed. but it didn't help the next day. I've got to go back to Urgent Care tonight.
Yesterday there was no restful Sunday as I was completely out of dyed fiber, so I got into the studio and dyed 19 pounds of it. All colors, Newport Rocks and Calypso Cove in Merino/Silk for beaded yarn, Columbia GORGEous and NW Summer in Merino/Angora/Cashmere (OH my this is dreamy stuff) Newport Rocks, NW Autumn and NW Winter in SW Merino.

Linda of String called today to say they got the order I had sent Saturday, and how gorgeous the Columbia GORGE-ous is and by the way it is all sold.... weeks to make it and in an hour of being out of the box 6 skeins gone! It felt good as this is the first order of this color-way to get into a shop. Hopefully we get to make lots more as all the spinners love this ( Newport Rocks is great but how much Newport Rocks can the world want? lots) color-way too!
I did stop for a while to have a cup of lemon/ginger tea (thinking of you, and sending my love Katie!!!) and enjoyed the sunset from our front room I want to share it with you

Somewhere in Los Angeles there is a lady (you totally rock!) that is crocheting granny squares out of our textured cashmere. I would like to kiss her feet, and see a picture of this heirloom. If this is you, I love you, my first born wants me to give her to you. Thank you, not only to her but everyone that has ever and will ever buy our yarn, we make every skein with love and joy. I've run out of tea and blogger is taking more time than I should linger here at Joe's, so off to Urgent Care to finish Charlie's hat!


Sachi said...

Just when I think my life has gotten too busy, I stop in at your blog and feel a little better about things. ;-)

I miss you!

Graygirl said...

Wish I could come meet you at that store! I'm headed for Monterey for a much needed get-away with my husband that day. When are you going to be in the Bay Area again and where can I buy your roving?

Denise said...

How fun that Becky is moving back to Oregon! Now that I know how close St.Helens is to where I live I should stop by for a visit!

Will Becky be at Madrona this year?