Wednesday, October 17, 2007

See Trish Run

If you were here today you would have seen me going quickly back and forth all day, office to production room, laundry to production room, ply a few bobbins to the office, answer the telephone, to load the car, making lists (yes the dreaded lists).

I have been to Urgent Care and the dentist, in one day, which seems excessively health aware, but the coughing got worse and I couldn't put it off any longer. Sinus infection, along with viral bronchitis (easy call with the antibiotics not working). One ( of three) of the treatments he recommended is a "Nestipot" I heard how wonderful this treatment is from Oprah (not personally I have XM radio with Oprah and Friends on it) but really didn't know what it was. The Aladdin's lamp type equipment "cleans" out your sinuses with saline solutions. I'm not sure if the cure isn't worse than the coughing, as it does "clean" things out. It feels like you're dumping acid through your entire head, but it did help the coughing last night. I think the breathing of hot steam with the homeopathic oils sounds more "fun" but even shooting (up the nose) the saline is "more fun" than the Nestipot. I did try to rest today and will get an early bed tonight.

If you are planning to go to Knitterly this weekend I have a lot of special yarn that I'm bringing just for this event. I plan to raffle off some skeins as well. I've beaded, and skeined and have 4 baskets ready to go along with another delivery of Shelli's order.
It is my longest known friend Blair's birthday today, 24 years ago we sat in the 9th row of an AC/DC concert. It was loud, but I was with my friend Blair, the orignal co-pilot to all things adventure, and usually the voice of reason to my "impulsive personality". She was the person that saved me from being published as "The most likely to go fly a kite" in 8th grade. Present day I feel that might have been something to be proud of, but back then it would have been a fate worse than.......
We met in 6th grade art class. I loved the colors and all things creative, I think Blair was a little smitten on the very "hip" teacher. She volunteered at our school library during lunch, which I used as my "safe haven" from the world of junior high drama. I admired her work ethic and her linar path plan to the future, yes she is a librarian today. I had no idea what I wanted to "be" other than a Mom. not very PC. It took me many years to decide what to "be", other than a Mom. Quite frankly I always resented the fact that being "just" a Mom wasn't enough for my bra burning, (never an option for me), Woman's lib contemporaries. Blair has done it all, got her BS as well as a Master's, worked then married and then had her family. She also is a Sunday School teacher and a Girl Scout leader! When I think of working hard and making a successful life plan, I always think of Blair, my life is enriched because of her! Happy Birthday my friend Blair.

Off to bed (once I'm done with the torcher treatment) and then a lovely drive to Petaluma Hope to see you there!


Sachi said...

Eek! Feel better, honey.

Denise said...

I hope you're feeling better soon, Trish.

Are you using plain water in your Netipot? Try putting 1 tsp of salt and 1 tsp of baking soda in a quart of warm water and using that. Seems counter-intuitive but it creates a buffered solution that doesn't burn like plain water.

I personally don't care for Netipots because I'm too uncoordinated. Due to my husband's sinus surgery we discovered that a WaterPik is much better. With a special sinus attachment that is! It doesn't jet the water up your nose like when you use it on your teeth.

You can buy the sinus attachment online at Amazon.