Ok why didn't anyone tell me? Jan called and Neil told her, we were both on our way to the Post Office, so I finished my boxes and decided to go to Joe's. I'm tired of soup and the miser doesn't want to do more precious lamb chops, let's face it there are a limited amount that one sheep has.... sorry veg's. So as a reward I've come to Joe's!
proof that I have every spinners fiber (and checks) ready to go...Tomorrow!
Here is one order, for Mel Clark in Auckland, New Zealand
This is about 70 to 100 skeins to be re-skeined and labeled
Two views so that I can really share my desperation...
This yarn has no home...yet! We are trying to make extra to speed order deliveries
This is this week's work for me all these singles are waiting for me to ply, and there are 7 skeins of beaded yarn ready to do as well
This is a lone ball of Katie's Painted Hills in Baby Alpaca ready to knit with?
This is where I have to spend some time tomorrow, the new and improved dye studio
Knitting heaven, Columbia GORGE-ous in Cashmere and Silk, truly if you could have feel-o-vision you would be loving this yarn too
Almost as good this is Northwest Autumn in cashmere drying this yarn is headed for Wild Fiber, next week?
This is our driveway this is what inspired the Northwest Autumn color-way
Our neighbor is "doing" something with his lawn and a tractor that needs some sort of work, but look at the lovely tree's!
While out photographing the Autumn views I heard MEOW MEOW oh no I thought, not again, but then listened more carefully it was a familiar MEOW- Pee Kitty is stuck up this tree, I wonder what scared her enough to climb up that high?
"Come on Pee Kitty come down!!" I'm not going to call any one, you got up you can get down"
She made it, only to pick a fight with Toby-Jack, one of the reasons Pee Kitty isn't anyone's favorite
This is what Mo thought of the whole affair
Had to add this picture! This is an all glass functioning spinning wheel someone made! WOW
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