Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I am now caught up on the internet as I have spent the day in the Coffee Shop down loading picture after picture. Yarn is on it's way to Knit One and FiberLicious, and yes, String. I spent the weekend at the fiber retreat talking myself hoarse and spinning cashmere for Patti at Great Adirondack Yarns. I had everyone I knew spinning the cashmere, which wasn't hard as who doesn't like cashmere. We ran out of cashmere about Saturday afternoon (who would have thought that we would get almost two pounds of cashmere spun!) and then it was plying and talking.
Monday my new skeiner, Larrissa and I finished yarn, lots of yarn, lots and lots of yarn. It took all day yesterday to get labels on and into the computer and then into mailing boxes, unfortunatly we were too late for the post office so I mailed them today before coming to have the afternoon off. Beth is coming over for the lamb roast we didn't have yesterday and we will spin together and hopefully get the new DVD player to work. I will spin more cashmere and she is doing more textured yarn. I got two packages of singles yesterday! So when I have finished spinning cashmere then more plying. Tomorrow Beth is going to Walla Walla and I will be in charge of Willow Farms, horses and all. I'll dye tomorrow, more and more Newport Rocks, everyone's favorite color. So if you are near FiberLicious, or Knit One or String drop by in a few days to see the new yarns available there.


Sheila E said...

Great Pictures!! Great Fun!!
Glad that you are back in the PNW and that you are enjoying yourself.
Congrats on winning the door prize!
Lucky you ;)

clara said...

take care of yourself! talking yourself hoarse??? trish!