Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Autumn and Being HOME

I've so enjoyed being home. There is a place for everything and everything (almost) has a place. The Janitorial service came today. I was like a whirlwind getting everything out of the way for them to be able to find the surfaces to clean.
Courtney, Diane, Becky and I have been meeting up exchanging fiber for yarn, washing yarn, plying yarn, skeining yarn, labeling yarn and dyeing fiber. I have been either cooking healthy meals, sleeping or doing something about yarn. We shipped partial orders to Knit Stop and Sticks and Strings. Production is at full bore and we expect to ship lots more at the end of the week or the beginning of next. I took yesterday afternoon off, well not really there was a lot of knitting talk and I was in a knitting shop.....
It was a surprise party for our friend Cynthia! The birthday girl trying to take it all in.....

Audrey on the right and Loyce on the left talking and knitting at Molehill Farms

Jeri on the left Jan in the middle talking to Loyce

Cheryl owns Molehill Farms

No alcohol was consumed but no one liked my Pi Shawl so we took it apart and started something new out of this book... there was some sadness but it was fun to think about a better more beautiful project

I am at the Honda dealership today getting a little project done to the Element. While waiting I've been doing e-mails and the blog, Alexandra wants more leaf pictures so here are some fast one's. I promise I'll take more now that I've found my battery charger for the camera, which has been a problem lately, but now all the bags are un-packed I'm slowly getting into gear

1 comment:

monkeyspinner said...

WOW your taking tow interns? The Royal Needlework school is taking someone too. But I don't know I think I am more fiber related IF you hear of anything out side of the Us with Dyeing, spinning, knitting let me know.