Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Spinning is Stress reducing.....

I spent a glorious day spinning in the sun on the front porch yesterday. I watched the cats frolic in the sun, Mo caught and ate bugs, Pee kitty lurked and Momma kitty did real hunting, I watched the neighbor ferry Suburban loads of children here and there, and Bill our other neighbor cut his grass, it's a two beer lawn (and one pee but discretely), I had two cups of tea (more pee breaks than Bill but TMI). I talked yarn to Cindy at FiberLicious, and then just spun yarn. Of course there was a large hole in my heart as Mike left at 3:00am, but I chose to enjoy the solitude. He made it back to LA in one piece and only 2 1/2 tanks of gas.
I plied last night while watching the Tudors and had a early bed. Mo looked around for Mike, and when he decided that Mike wasn't there came for a really intense cuddle and then pressed himself up against my legs, and we both fell asleep.

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